Friday, June 22, 2007

Incubus Frost Needs Guidance and Direction!!

Incubus Frost is currently undergoing a Gender Identity Crisis of

Cosmic proportions, and he/she/it needs YOUR help, Dear

Constant Reader!!

The role of Incubus requires Frost to be ever ready to deliver to

the ultimate, shift shapes, shift genders, and generally fulfill every

wildest desire of the victim-er, that is--fortunate few--who attract

Frost's eye and captivate his/her/its ever-lovin' lustful disposition.

Well, currently, Frost is suffering a difficult allergic reaction to the

Good Sabbat of Midsummer and is, metaphorically, out on a

gender identity limb. Frost is uncertain as to who and what

he/she/it truly desires to be {at least, in the moment}. So Frost

needs to step up to the plate, come out of the Dungeon closet, and

get to work Incubising.

Currently Frost is expressing a desire for lavender-shaded orchids

{Orchids??!!} and Dungeons, Stone slab floors and head-bashing,

and caning by British public school masters of the 1920's-1930's

{an era not covered under the Age of Quont, i don't think, but

pertinent to our Frost at the moment, nonetheless}

The question is, in what direction is Frost headed, and do we need

to head him/her/it off into another avenue entirely?

So, Dear Reader, we ask YOUR input: PLEASE point Frost in some

direction or other! Give us your thoughts, your woes, your pain,

your poor teeming masses--but give us direction!

Your input may be featured in the continuation of Frost's character

introduction; though, on the other hand, it may be completely

ignored if Frost is in one of his/her/its dominating OR anarchic

anti-authoritarian modes.


Vickie said...

Poor confused I would love to be able to help you. Alas, as an Ethereal Fire Disciple I don't have a corporeal body so I can't give you the caning you desire (besides, I prefer to use a crop myself ;-) but I digress).

If I can help you in any way, feel free to give a shout...the flames of passion are still flames, after all, and I'm always happy to help heat things up.

Kim Badenfort said...

Dear Frost, I posted "who is Incubus Frost" on my blog, perhaps you will find the thoughts interesting...

- Skjald