Sunday, June 24, 2007

FROST'S Therapeutic Breakthrough

Despite the differences in races, genders, and species, all of Mernac are as one enormous, tremendous, family. Several have stepped forward to help lift Frost out of his morass of Confusion, including Ethereal Fire Disciple Vickie, insightful Skjald, and now Quont-Father of Lust:

"Whatever you discover on your path to deeper inner wisdom, just remember that you are cherished by your Lord and Master and a part of my family now, dear sweet Frost."

Thanks to the above, and to diligent {if unwilling} persistence, Frost has indeed experienced a therapeutic breakthrough and last night, despite the distractions of Harpies, penned a NEW and painful character introduction. May it see the Light {errr, the Dark} of Mernac very soon.!

1 comment:

Kim Badenfort said...

Like the new frosty look on your blog!
I'm glad to hear you had a breakthrough, and am looking forward to seeing the new tale.

- Skjald