Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Incubus Frost is Now On Stage

Yes, Kiddies, Incubus Frost has finally entered the great stage of the World of Mernac
as a character!

Frost's character story entry has been graciously accepted by the Great Father of Lust, Quont
{who has demonstrated uncommon patience in dealing with the heretofore blockheaded Disciple Frost}
and has been placed securely on the Scribe to Scribe Character Forum!

{Frost bows and blushes}

Three Legend stories are also in the pipeline, clearly delineating some of the background reasons for Frost's odd behaviour, intriguing lifestyle choices
{after all, not everyone wishes to become an Incubus},
and bizarre identity crises.

Come see Frost's on-stage debut at The Forum: http://www.mernac.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=2250&forum=59&post_id=19145#forumpost19145

Sunday, June 24, 2007

FROST'S Therapeutic Breakthrough

Despite the differences in races, genders, and species, all of Mernac are as one enormous, tremendous, family. Several have stepped forward to help lift Frost out of his morass of Confusion, including Ethereal Fire Disciple Vickie, insightful Skjald, and now Quont-Father of Lust:

"Whatever you discover on your path to deeper inner wisdom, just remember that you are cherished by your Lord and Master and a part of my family now, dear sweet Frost."

Thanks to the above, and to diligent {if unwilling} persistence, Frost has indeed experienced a therapeutic breakthrough and last night, despite the distractions of Harpies, penned a NEW and painful character introduction. May it see the Light {errr, the Dark} of Mernac very soon.!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Incubus Frost's Issues Draw Attention!!

Already Incubus Frost has been proffered assistance from those wiser than he/she/it!

Reader Vickie, Ethereal Fire Disciple of Mernac, called Frost confused, and offered a cropping, and assistance in igniting the flames of passion {sigh}

while Reader Skjald positioned Frost on the Therapeutic Couch and delivered insightful and pointed analysis:


What can we expect next, Inveterate Readers, in the ongoing Saga of the "Incubus Who Can't Find His Way"?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Incubus Frost Needs Guidance and Direction!!

Incubus Frost is currently undergoing a Gender Identity Crisis of

Cosmic proportions, and he/she/it needs YOUR help, Dear

Constant Reader!!

The role of Incubus requires Frost to be ever ready to deliver to

the ultimate, shift shapes, shift genders, and generally fulfill every

wildest desire of the victim-er, that is--fortunate few--who attract

Frost's eye and captivate his/her/its ever-lovin' lustful disposition.

Well, currently, Frost is suffering a difficult allergic reaction to the

Good Sabbat of Midsummer and is, metaphorically, out on a

gender identity limb. Frost is uncertain as to who and what

he/she/it truly desires to be {at least, in the moment}. So Frost

needs to step up to the plate, come out of the Dungeon closet, and

get to work Incubising.

Currently Frost is expressing a desire for lavender-shaded orchids

{Orchids??!!} and Dungeons, Stone slab floors and head-bashing,

and caning by British public school masters of the 1920's-1930's

{an era not covered under the Age of Quont, i don't think, but

pertinent to our Frost at the moment, nonetheless}

The question is, in what direction is Frost headed, and do we need

to head him/her/it off into another avenue entirely?

So, Dear Reader, we ask YOUR input: PLEASE point Frost in some

direction or other! Give us your thoughts, your woes, your pain,

your poor teeming masses--but give us direction!

Your input may be featured in the continuation of Frost's character

introduction; though, on the other hand, it may be completely

ignored if Frost is in one of his/her/its dominating OR anarchic

anti-authoritarian modes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Incubus Frost: "I am NOT a Fairy"

I am an Elf! Granted, I do live in a fantasy universe, the World of Mernac. I am not a Fairy! I don't have wings, I have pointed ears;--and an Attitude! I don’t shake fairy dust when I vibrate in anger—but beware my Attitude! I have platinum hair to knee-length, silver eyes, and all the glitter—is Attitude!

Not all that lives in Faery Lands are Fairy. Some of us have something more important than wings and magic glitter dust and miniscule size range; some of us have Attitude! And what is better: the ability to flit and sprinkle glitter, or the capacity to exude Attitude, sensuality, and disdain?? Hmmph!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Embracing the Shadow: Acting Out the Play in Consensus Reality

Sometimes embracing the Shadow results in painful or horrifying scenes being played out on the scene of my creative Consensus Reality, acted out not by myself but by other character actors in my play, and I despise and fear it. Such happened twice in the past few days; and the first was so painful that I cannot look at it face on. I try to turn from its view like a man turning from the first extending tentacles of the first glimmering light of an impending nuclear explosion; but those same tentacles firmly grasp my head and draw me back to face this reality vision. Thinking of it feels like a razor blade scraping across the front of the inside of my brain. The night it happened, I went to bed early, slept only one hour, then was awakened by the repetetitive tape-loop recall of the earlier event: playing over and over and over for hours till I became emotionally distraught and sick at heart, and still I could not escape its replay.

Crisis: A Poem June 10 2007

A Crisis I am in, and there seems no open door,

Seems no door at all,

In this room of odd shape,

No windows, no doors, no entry, no exit.

Just painful depression and despair.

No exit, said Sartre, and ah yes, here I sit,

No exit, no entry, so how did I arrive?

More to the point,

How do I escape?

This isn't a Crisis of Reviewing,

or a Crisis of Critiquing,

or even a Crisis of Email;

much less is it a Crisis of Writing,

or a Crisis of Reading.

This is a Crisis of Obligation.

The slide into the Black Pit of Despair

The drawing down and out of my Soul

The Source is Obligation

Only Obligation

And the Solution: Does Even One Exist?

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Reviews and Critiques Available Here!!!

Now Offering Reviews and Critiques!

I've decided to offer reviews and critiques as a service to other writers. Reviews will be posted here on the blog. Critiques will be returned directly to the authors. I shall also include spontaneous reviews of books I find so compelling that I think other readers need to know of them.

I've reviewed in online venues for over 15 months; and I've critiqued online for approximately 8 months. I've read like a hungry dragon for 5 decades; and I've written nearly since I could form the letters.

Interested parties may feel free to email me for information or to offer arc's, author copies, and manuscripts, at: incubus.frost.of.mernac@gmail.com

All such communication will be acknowledged within a day or so with a reply.
In regard to submitted review material and critiques, I'll endeavour to make the turnaround time one week or less {unless I become swamped with requests}. There is, of course, absolutely no fee for this service, as I am volunteering my own time and efforts.

I believe I have a distinct vision when it comes to any and all of these activities, and I think that authors deserve this service. When I discover a book that I am impelled to rave over, I now have a venue in which to share my excitement.

Seeing as how this Blog is a conduit to
The World of Mernac, for purposes here, reviews and critiques shall be limited to works of fantasy and imagination. For other genres, please feel free to check out the services offered at:
For information or to offer material for reviews and/or critiques, please email:
Email Incubus Frost

4 Jun 07

Weekends Are For Decisions!!

Weekends Are For Decisions!

Lately all my good decisions seem to appear at weekends: on Saturday the germ of an idea commences, and then nags me during its germination for 24 hours. On Sunday afternoon, I find myself putting the decision into effect. Last weekend, which was the Memorial Day holiday weekend here in the States, I embraced my Shadow, and have been rolling with that one for the past week. What a difference that decision has made in my life, and joy!

This weekend I rolled out from under a major boulder, one that seemed far taller and wider than I, and much more immovable. Since I couldn't budge the boulder, I had to find a way to escape it, and I did. On Saturday morning I realised that the situation had become unmanageable to the point that the merest thought of it caused me to slip into a pit of black despair. That, clearly, was untenable. So I spent a little more than the 24 hours deciding that I needed to act. When I did, Sunday afternoon, it followed an assault on my Shadow life {dangling a carrot I didn't really care about before me, then demanding to know if I planned to fulfill my overdue duties}. My response: doubtfully--I'm in a crisis, in regard to this venue, so more than likely I won't be continuing beyond the present.

Actually, the present ended only a couple of hours later; now I'm not continuing with it at all. A while back, I spent 19 months living in a particular geographical region in which I continuously perceived myself as emotionally smothered. Odd as it sounds, emotionally I could not breathe. The awareness of being pressed, as was occasionally performed on witches centuries ago, was constant and vivid. {Yes, I know that historically only Giles Corey was pressed, and he not accused of witchcraft, but rather condemned for reporting his wife Martha and some others.} The comparison still stands though: living there felt like lying prone with rocks laid atop my lungs.

So too is the situation I ended yesterday: only this boulder was larger than life, and much uglier.

This weekend decision-making process is enlightening; so far the changes have proved scrumptious. I'm eager to see what the next weekend will bring.

{4 Jun 07}


Embracing The Shadow

Yesterday I embraced my Shadow-that majority part of my soul and spirit from which I’ve spent a lifetime walking away. I’ve always known, in some tiny concealed portion of my consciousness, that it existed, but I’ve spent my lifetime wandering helplessly in a
desert of Light, searching for my true skin, thinking I was seeking an Armour of Light. So I turned up shelves, hunted inside dusty cupboards, pawed through cobwebs, and flipped dust bunnies. All the while I consistently made no sense of the obvious truth, that my eyes scorched, my exposed muscles and nerves seared, and I wasn’t finding anything nearly like what I was seeking.

In the background, though, across the Threshold of Conscious Reality, lurked the Shadowed Grove, all this time: a massive growth of deformity never discovered in nature, where no ray of sunlight would dare to show its bright and smiling face. Creatures of the Light walk there not. Now and then came the rumbling chuckle, a sound like boulders shifting preparatory to a rockfall, and I knew the Dweller in the Shadows had its century of eyes on me. I knew—but still I always failed to expect the sudden ejection of an appendage across the threshold and directly in front of me, tripping me, so that once again I fall flat on my face, spawning ripples of Chaos across the landscape like a tossed stone ripples a pond. Always while I crumbled in shame and embarrassment tinged with guilt for my very existence, the Dweller in the Shadows chortled. Got me again!! Score’s up for the Dweller and nada for me.

Yesterday I found myself devouring a lovely fantasy {P. C. Hodgell’s God Stalk} and came to this description by a secondary character of the female protagonist:
“You have an attraction for violence.” Considering how the protagonist transforms when in rage, I found that both accurate, and also stimulating. Suddenly before my mind’s eye, the sentence from the book had been transformed by the Dweller in the Shadows, into a banner of flame, reading, like an arrow straight to Frost’s heart:
“YOU have a penchant for Chaos!! And you magnetise it wherever you go!!” This new version was rather unavoidable, considering as it hung directly in front of my mental vision, blocking the view otherwise, and zinged its way into my fevered consciousness.

I surrendered-no fool, me—turned, and crossed that Threshold, marching directly into the Shadowed Grove, thrusting my way in amongst the overgrown undergrowth, and addressed the Dweller in the Shadows directly and consciously. In fact, I embraced the Dweller—and as I did so, I perceived the Shadow fitting me like a second skin-nay, like a first skin, the very one that I had lacked for so long! At last, at last, I had found my place—no, it was NOT like coming home, it was rappelling backwards off a cavern ledge into pitch-blackness, unknowing the depth of the fall, whether miles or less, and finding when I released the end of the rope, that the drop was maybe two feet. So I found myself upright, aware, alert, unbroken, and for the first time, alive—clothed in my own skin and not someone else’s hand-me-down makeshift Armour. No—at last I am me: empowered, wrapped in my own identity, and standing on solid foundation. No longer do I dread earthquakes shifting under my metaphorical feet, nor fear the crack and sizzle of opening crevices racing toward me to encompass me like a modern-day Korah, nor the buffeting of winds roaring up from an unexpected side tunnel to pluck at my emotions and strum my exposed frayed nerves.
Not now..Incubus Frost has found its foundation, in the Shadows, embracing the cool breeze of night and the rumblings of the Dweller. What wonders and adventures lie ahead for us now?
--composed by Incubus Frost—
28 May 2007

Some Days...

Some Days....

....no matter how hard an Incubus tries, life doesn't always fall into place.. Some days..I just irritate folks...or worse! Today {27 May 07} is one of those days.. It makes me want to give in to my Dark Side, reclaim the power of my 12th House Stellium, and my 12th House Pluto, and let 'er rip. Where are you, O Goddess of Chaos? I think a dedication ceremony might be in order; I might as well get some credit for my disasters. Some days...an Incubus just doesn't succeed..

Mernac: Fantastic Fantasy Fiction and Fantasy Art

Mernac Free Fantasy Fiction and Awesome Art

Other Mernac BLOGS * THE OTHER - Father of the Gods * SIBERLEE - Mother of Nature * ELSEN - Father of Ethereal Elements * ROADIUS - Father of Mischief and Humour * LINTHUR - Father of Revenge * BU - Father of Death and Destruction * TEREES - Mother of Wisdom and Harmony * Arleas Kaedani - Disciple of Terees * Goran Tulken - Disciple of Elsen * Vickie - Disciple of Elsen * jamesf83 - Devout Mernacian