Friday, July 20, 2007

Frost's Fetish

Incubus Frost of Mernac

Now that Frost is about to become "Real," as The Velveteen Rabbit would instruct, Frost needs to get on the fetish wagon. So come on, Mernacians, give Frost a clue. What fetish would you most like to see Frost take up? Don't be fearful to get explicit and get down with it. We know you creative Mernacians have great ideas, so let's have 'em. Fetish on!


ND/Botr said...

Fetishes you want?
Ok here goes!
Andromimetophilia A woman who is sexually aroused by impersonating a man. They purposefully look like and act like a man.
Gynemimetophilia A person who is sexually aroused by a female impersonator.
Hyphephilia Touching or rubbing a human or non human object is essential for achieving sexual arousal.
Kleptophilia Similar to kleptomania, kleptophilia results in sexual arousal from stealing not just thrill seeking.

ND/Botr said...

More of course. Happy to oblige!
Mysophilia The person is sexually aroused by dirt, mud, or filth.
Narratophilia Telling dirty stories is sexually arousing. (I like this one personally!)
Stigmatophilia Body piercing and tattooing but not ear piercing is sexually arousing.
Telephonicophilia Talking dirty on the phone or being talked to lewdly. (Not a bad one really!)
Zoophilia The person wants to be treated like an animal wearing a collar and even eating out of an animals dish. This is different from bestiality in which the person wants to have sex with an animal. (Thank the stars for that!)